越早知道越好✎﹏城镇景观作者●免费和平精英开挂神器《风景园林》2022-11刊首语 | 郭巍:城市景观的设计与图析

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原标题:《风景园林》2022-11刊首语 | 郭巍:城市景观的设计与图析

越早知道越好✎﹏城镇景观作者●免费和平精英开挂神器《风景园林》2022-11刊首语 | 郭巍:城市景观的设计与图析


全文刊登于《风景园林》2022年 第11期P8-9 城市景观的设计与图析Mapping and Design of Urban Landscape“析理以辞,解体用图”,古人的这句话充分说明了文字和图纸在表述和和平精英科技购买平台分析方面的巨大差异。











现代城市地图以“客观中立”的方式,将城市空间特征简化为某些特定的物理属性尤其是几何尺寸,表现出某个特定瞬间的城市形态,它们很大程度上成为解读城市形态的基本工具Bernard Tschumi曾经感叹“传统的建筑语言局限了思维,通常建筑师使用的再现方式:平面、剖面、轴侧与透视变成了建筑学的牢笼和限制,将建筑学演变为一种金字塔式的思考,任何和平精英科技购买平台跨越这种限制提供其他建筑解读的企图都要求质疑这样的语言传统”。


现代城市地图对城市景观研究的促进和限制也与此类似风景园林界大概在20世纪90年代开始理解地理学界对现代地图在测绘、投射和绘制方面的批判James Corner对此评论道,由于风景园林行业尚不了解地图绘制技术在表现客体世界过程中的高度选择性,以至于将地图当作规划设计工作的客观事实基础,那些在地图上被优先表现的元素直接影响设计方案,而那些被排除的元素则被忽视。




同时,现代城市地图也通过分层、分类、叠加、拼贴等方式,将不同的空间信息加以筛选和组合,以达到分析和表达的目的正如James Corner在“The Agency of Mapping: Speculation, Critique and Invention”一文中谈到,通过绘图设置(图框、指北针、坐标系、比例尺、度量衡、投影方法)、信息要素提取(事物、部分、数据)、要素关系绘制(几何空间、分类系谱)3种手段构建起一个设计和平精英科技购买平台与分析的工具—图析(mapping),它将“感知/测量”与“设计/发明”这2个环节有效地连接在一起。



According to an 和平精英科技购买平台ancient Chinese saying, “theories should be discussed with words and a specific space object should be analyzed with drawings”. This remark shows clearly the huge difference between texts and drawings in deion and analysis. Map is an effective tool to pass on and store space information. China has a和平精英科技购买平台 long history of cartography. On the silk maps unearthed from Mawangdui Han tombs, the landforms, river systems, cities and towns are depicted. The “six basic principles for cartography” summarized by Pei Xiu in the Western Jin Dynasty provided a series of standards for the distance, elevation and s和平精英科技购买平台cale of a map. The number and precision of city maps tremendously increased after the Southern Song Dynasty, and even maps that could precisely describe the urban morphology emerged, such as Map of Pingjiang City and Map of Jingjiang Prefectural City . However, until the late Qing Dynasty, less “acc和平精英科技购买平台urate” city maps with strong painting features seemingly constituted the majority.

By contrast, the mapping method of the medieval times was completely abandoned in the renaissance period due to the rediscovery of the Roman Ptolemy’s world map. Gradually, a standard mapping mode was formed in Western和平精英科技购买平台 Europe, which used the length, scale and coordinate system to describe the spatial order. In addition, Brunelleschi’s research regarding perspective geometry popularized the geometric cartography and plan, section, and elevation drawings as tools to cognize and reproduce urban landscapes.

The wide v和平精英科技购买平台ariations between texts and drawings can be directly revealed by two city maps. One is the Completed Map of Ningbo City , which was drawn by means of modern projection and mapping technology in the Republic of China era. Another one is the Land and Water Map of Ningbo Prefectural City , a traditiona和平精英科技购买平台l urban map in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China. The two maps were made at similar times. The former faithfully presents the streets and rivers inside the Ningbo city and farmlands outside the city. However, the latter arbitrarily alters the pear-shaped city outline into a more 和平精英科技购买平台organic one and the city position into a north-south direction, and widens the streets and especially the rivers. Moreover, the city walls, small towns outside the city gate, and landmark buildings such as the Drum Tower in the latter map are three-dimensional.

It is beyond doubt that the Land and Wa和平精英科技购买平台ter Map of Ningbo Prefectural City is more an intentional expression of the city by the drafter. The whole city is like an organic combination located in the water network. Regular small cities and axes are originated from the time-honored and rich tradition of inner cities, while the organically ch和平精英科技购买平台anging outer cities and streets respond to the regional water network environment. The apparently random adjustments are actually based on the structural cognition of the Ningbo city, and reflect the drafter’s perception of the city morphology and assessments of the city landscape.

Modern city maps s和平精英科技购买平台implify urban spatial characteristics into some specific physical properties, especially geometric dimensions in a more objective and neutral way, so as to display the city morphology at a particular instant in time. They have been widely applied as a basic tool to describe the city morphology. Bern和平精英科技购买平台ard Tschumi once said, “The traditional architectural language confines the thoughts, and the plan, section, axial and perspective reproduction methods frequently used by the architects become a cage that limits the architecture. As a result, the architecture is forced to evolve into a pyramid think和平精英科技购买平台ing pattern, and any attempts to transcend this limitation and provide other architectural interpretations are considered questioning the traditional architectural language”. Modern city maps also promote and inhibit the development of city landscape research in a similar way.

The landscape architect和平精英科技购买平台ure society started to comment on the criticisms of surveying, projection and drawing of modern maps from the geography society since around the 1990s. James Corner remarks that because the landscape architecture society has little knowledge about the high selectivity of the mapping technology in th和平精英科技购买平台e process of representing the object world, it takes the map as the fact foundation of plan and design work. Consequently, elements preferentially expressed on the map directly influence the design, and the excluded elements are ignored.

As a complicated system, the urban landscape is characterized b和平精英科技购买平台y multiple levels and diversity. It is crucial to unveil the spatial hierarchical order and structural logic of complex landscape systems at different scales, in order to achieve systematic and integrated cognition, and to guide the design. Importance has gradually been attached to the diversity of 和平精英科技购买平台spatial perspectives, the spatial participation of drafters, the deive effect of non-spatial elements, the process of morphological development, and other features of traditional city maps. In the meantime, modern city maps screen and combine different spatial information through layering, classific和平精英科技购买平台ation, superposition, collage, etc., so as to achieve the purpose of analysis and expression. As James Corner mentioned in The Agency of Mapping: Speculation, Critique and Invention , a design and analysis tool called mapping was constructed through mapping settings (map frame, compass, coordinate s和平精英科技购买平台ystem, scale, measure, projection method), information element extraction (objects, segments, data), and element relation drawing (geometric space, hierarchical classification). This tool effectively combines the perception/measurement and design/invention functions.

In this column, the manus involve和平精英科技购买平台 abundant marvelous analyses of urban landscape maps, covering Venice of Italy, Rotterdam of the Netherlands, Tenerife of Spain and Bages of Central Catalonia on the European continent, the Greater Bay Area of China, Wuhan, Shenzhen, traditional villages in South Zhejiang and Busan of South Korea on和平精英科技购买平台 the Asian continent, and Detroit of the USA. The researchers are from multiple backgrounds, including China, Netherlands, Germany, South Korea, Spain, Australia, Chile, and South Africa. The breadth of the research objects proves the applicability of map analyses. The diversified backgrounds of res和平精英科技购买平台earchers also demonstrate that the research results of mapping can be adopted as consensuses in professional fields despite of the difference in space perspectives and space participation arising from various cultures, personal life and working experiences.

越早知道越好✎﹏城镇景观作者●免费和平精英开挂神器《风景园林》2022-11刊首语 | 郭巍:城市景观的设计与图析

本期专题组稿人:郭巍Acquiring editor of the current i和平精英科技购买平台ssue: GUO Wei2022年10月10日October 10, 2022完 整深度 阅读 请参看《风景园林》2022年11期

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